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We organized the International Workshop "Functional and Social Riparian Ecosystems" to celebrate the completion of Life Alnus

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Life Alnus is a project of the European Union developed under the LIFE Nature & Biodiversity program, which after its six years of duration (2017-2022), will conclude with the celebration of its final seminar "Functional and social Riparian Forests", on December 12-13, 2022, under an International Workshop format.

In this workshop, studies and experiences focused on the restoration and management of alluvial forests and developed within the framework of Life Alnus, as well as in other regions and watersheds, will be presented. With the participation of scientists, technicians, environmental entities and public administrations, the conservation status and the future challenges that must be faced to reverse the state of threat of alluvial ecosystems throughout Europe will be discussed.

The Life Alnus project, co-promoted by MN CONSULTORES, has experimentally tested new alternative approaches to restoring Mediterranean alluvial ecosystems with alder forests  (an habitat protected by European directives) on a regional scale (Catalonia). The ultimate goal of the project has been to provide greater knowledge and ecological understanding of this essential ecosystem (one of the richest in biodiversity and most threatened on a planetary scale), and thus help to reverse the regression and degradation of one of the most threatened ecosystems on a global scale and create a model that can be exported to the rest of the Mediterranean biogeographic region.

The sessions can be followed through Microsoft Teams:

Link: International Workshop "Functional and Social Riparian Forests" (Life Alnus Final Conference)

ID: 314 585 542 867
Access key: 8c2ouv



Agentes implicados
- Ajuntament de Granollers
- Consorci Centre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya
- Fundació Universitaria Balmes CERM
- La Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera
Agència Catalana de l'Aigua
December 2022

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