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MN finalizes its advice to the European project LIFE Bonelli with a presentation in its final seminar

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Pamplona, September 18, 2017


The LIFE Bonelli project ends after five years of working for the recovery of Bonelli's eagle populations in the Iberian Peninsula.

The project allowed the recovery of several breeding pairs of the specie in areas where it had disappeared as Mallorca or Navarre, as well as increasing the breeding population in others regions such as Madrid or Castilla-La Mancha. It has also allow to advance in the knowledge of several aspects related to the conservation and ecology of this endangered Mediterranean eagle, such as the breeding of chickens in captivity, habitat management, and detection and understanding of patterns of use of dispersal zones.

The final seminar of the project will be held in Sangüesa (Navarra) from 20 to 22 September, where all the effort done, the achievements, and the knowledge acquired will be presented, in a meeting of experts from different regions of Europe to discuss the conservation of the specie. MN Consultants will present the communication "Biotic factors restringing the creation of new territories of eagle of Bonelli (Aquila fasciata) in the Iberian Peninsula". The paper analyzes the main factors related to habitats as limiting for the formation of new territories (land uses, abundance of prey species and competing species). It includes analysis regarding golden eagles’ influence in the demography of Bonelli's populations and the interactions between both species.

LIFE Bonelli is a project funded by the European Commission and several other partners: the Andalusian Regional Government, the Community of Madrid Government, the Diputación Foral de Álava, GANASA (Government of Navarra), GREFA, COFIB (Government of the Balearic Islands) and the French NGO Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO / BirdLife France).


September 2017

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