MN News & Updates
Finaliza la elaboración del Plan especial del Parque Natural de la Serra de Montsant
Other MN News & Updates
anterior -
We launched the ‘Technical Handbook for the Conservation and Restoration of Riparian Areas’ -
We remain involved in the fight against invasive exotic species in the aquatic ecosystems of Catalonia -
MN wishes you a 2023 full of Nature -
MN Consultores adheres to the SOC and the European Social Fund for the hiring of unemployed youth -
We organized the International Workshop "Functional and Social Riparian Ecosystems" to celebrate the completion of Life Alnus -
MN wishes you a 2022 full of Magic -
MN develops a project for the Montsant Natural Park for the conservation of the fauna of the Montsant River. -
Premiere of "The Blue Skin Islands", a sensory tribute to the Balearic Islands produced by MN Films © -
We wish you a happy New Year 2019 -
We launched the European Life ALNUS project -
Contribution of MN to the III Conference on Water Engineering: Protection against water risks -
MN develops the river restoration strategy of Catalonia for the coming years -
MN & Bioscicat will co-produce a documentary about biological conservation -
We wish you the best -
MN finalizes its advice to the European project LIFE Bonelli with a presentation in its final seminar -
MN Consultors wish a happy new year -
MN promotes the foundation of BIOSCICAT, the Catalan Society of Sciences for the Conservation of Biodiversity -
Concluded the restoration of rivers Ucero and Abión, in Soria province -
Census of rupicolous raptors in climbing rocky areas of Montsant Natural Park. 2015 period. -
Wind Farm Environmental Surveillance and Wildlife Monitoring Course -
Screening of the documentary "Soto Contiendas: Río dijo" Environmental Education at the Museum of Pamplona in commemoration of the World Day for Water -
Bonelli's eagles still die by non-natural causes in Catalonia -
El programa de divulgación científica de Tv3, “QuèQuiCom”, repasa algunos de los proyectos de MN Consultores en la “Serra de Montsant” -
El documental ‘Sotocontiendas. -Dijo el Río-’, producido por MN Consultores, clausura el II Congreso Ibérico de Restauración Fluvial -
MN Consultants in the 2nd Iberian Conference on River Restoration -
MN Consultors will advise to a European project focused on Navarra’s Bonelli eagle population recovery over the next 3 years -
MN impartirá en Navarra un ciclo de conferencias sobre la problemática de las invasiones biológicas de los ecosistemas por parte de especies exóticas -
Available the results of the hydrogeomorphological, chemical and biological monitoring of Catalonian wetlands -
Available online the 'Guide of the cartography of Fluvial Habitats of Catalonia' produced by MN consultants -
Floods in the Ebro river basin reopens the debate on hydrological planning policies [Interview with Guillermo García] -
Completed the development of the Special Plan of the Natural Park of Serra de Montsant -
Contribution of MN to the international seminar 'European Fluvial Territories' -
Signed an agreement to promote studies on the biology of 'Lluciapomaresius panteli' and to design the strategy for its conservation -
The Director of Photography MN Consultatns, Ferran Aguilar, participates at WILD10 (X World Wilderness Congress)