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MN’s contributions to the ‘Second Iberian Conference on River Restoration’

  • MN cooperates with the 'Second Iberian Conference on River Restoration' featuring several presentations and scientific papers
  • MN cooperates with the 'Second Iberian Conference on River Restoration' featuring several presentations and scientific papers
  • MN cooperates with the 'Second Iberian Conference on River Restoration' featuring several presentations and scientific papers
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MN Consultants participates in the 'Second Iberian Conference on River Restoration', held in Pamplona (Navarra) during last June, with four presentations that will be also published as scientific papers in the Proceedings of the Congress:

‘The silent disappearance of the Iberian fluvial wetlands. Evolutionary prognosis of the lower reaches of the Arga and Aragon rivers and conservation challenges’ - Authors: Asun Berastegi, Fermín Urra, Roger Pascual, Guillermo García, Oda Cadiach, David Campión, Garbiñe Telletxea, Camino Jaso.

‘Conservation and improvement of biodiversity in river restoration projects’ - Authors: Garbiñe Telletxea, David Campión, Camino Jaso, Guillermo García, Roger Pascual, Oda Cadiach, Jaume Solé, Fermín Urra, Asun Berastegi.

‘Fluvial incision and its effects on biodiversity: Conceptual foundations and preliminary results of the experimental project of morfofuncional restoration and habitat improvement for the European mink (Mustela lutreola) in the river Aragon (Spain)’ - Authors: César Pérez, Margarita Manzano, Oda Cadiach, Roger Pascual, Camino Jaso, Guillermo García, Juan Pedro Martín-Vide.

'Methodological proposal of preventive monitoring and early eradication of pond slider (Trachemys scripta sp.) and other invasive freshwater species’ - Authors: David Campión, Garbiñe Telletxea, Fèlix Amat, Juan Manuel Roig, Oda Cadiach, Jaume Solé, Fermín Urra, David Campión.

Papers will be available soon in the Proceedings book of the Congress.

Additionally, at the closing ceremony of the congress it was presented and screened the documentary "Sotocontiendas. The River said" produced by MN Consultants [More information]

Agentes implicados
· European Commission
· Gestión Ambiental de Navarra
· Gobierno de Navarra
· Grupo Tragsa
· Iberian Center for River Restoration
· Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente
· Wetlands International
June 2015

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