Company information


MN CONSULTORS EN CIÈNCIES DE LA CONSERVACIÓ was set up with the mission of helping to preserve the only truly universal heritage: Nature. We believe in a duty to preserve life on Earth; in all its forms. And we accept the challenge.

We believe that preserving biodiversity is humanity’s highest obligation to future generations, and we also believe in our species’ talent and perseverance to meet the greatest challenges. Science is without a doubt the best synthesis and expression of our abilities and we are therefore motivated by one conviction:

If Human in Nature is the challenge, Human Nature, is the solution.


Technical Management

Guillermo García Pérez

Botany and Habitats

Dr. Roger Pascual Garsaball
Staff of
Dr. Roger Pascual Garsaball - Vascular flora
Dra. Mireia Giralt i Esteve - Lichen flora
Dr. Joan Gomà i Martínez - Inland algae

Animal Biology

Jaume Solé Herce
Staff of
Dra. Elena Rafart Plaza - Mammals
Dr. Jordi Serra Cobo - Chiropterans
Marc López Roig - Chiropterans
Jaume Solé Herce - Birds
Dr. Santiago Mañosa Rifé - Birds (external scientific advisor)
Pere Josa Anguera - Birds (scientific ringing)
Joan Manuel Roig Fernández - Herpetologist
Fèlix Amat Orriols - Herpetologist
Dr. Eduardo Mateos Frías - Invertebrates (external scientific advisor)
Dr. Alfonso Nebra Costas - Aquatics invertebrates

Fluvial Ecology

Guillermo García Pérez
Staff of
Dr. Juan Calvo Cubero - Wetlands ecology
Dr. Juan Pedro Martín Vide - River morphodynamic
Francesc Germain Arisó - Hydrology and hydraulics
Dr. Roger Pascual Garsaball - Macrophites and river habitats
Dr. Joan Gomà i Martínez - Inland algae
Dr. Alfonso Nebra Costas - Aquatics invertebrates
Dr. Eduardo Mateos Frías - Invertebrates (external scientific advisor)
Margarita Manzano Serra - Engineering design
Guillermo García Pérez - Hidrogeomorphology & fluvial ecology


Margarita Manzano Serra
Staff of
Dr. Juan Calvo Cubero - Wetlands restoration
Dr. Roger Pascual Garsaball - Vegetation and habitats
Dr. Juan Pedro Martín Vide - River morphodynamic
Francesc Germain Arisó - Hydrology and hydraulics
Margarita Manzano Serra - Engineering design

Information and communications technology (ICT)

Oda Cadiach Ricomà
Staff of
Oda Cadiach Ricomà - Mapping, Remote sensing and GIS
Dr. Josep Maria Riera - Programming and modelling


Staff of
Ferran Aguilar Antón - Photography director
Cristina García Baylo - Corporative social responsibility
Javier Barón Moreno - Audiovisual production


Staff of
David Rocamora Borrellas - Lawyer
Guillermo Gil Pérez - Lawyer