The 8th European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems (EUREGEO) will be held in Barcelona from June 15th to 17th, 2015. It continues the dialogue started in 1994 by the European Regions of Bavaria, Catalonia and Emilia-Romagna, the Joint Research Centre (EC) and EuroGeoSurveys. Again, it shall serve as a platform for experts from regional and national geological surveys, from universities, research institutes and from the economy, building a bridge between scientific research and practical application.
If the 6th EUREGEO (Munich, 2009) contributed to the celebration of the International Year of Planet Earth, this edition supports the celebration of the International Year of Soils, declared by the General Assembly of the UN to increase awareness and importance of soil for food security and essential ecosystem functions.
Reflecting the current importance of two major applied geoscientific issues, this 8th EUREGEO congress focusses on Geological 3D modelling and on Soil functions and threats.