The Water Engineering Conference (JIA, Jornadas de Ingeniería del Agua) is a biennial meeting, with a scientific-technical profile, which attracts the best experts, national and international, as much from universities as from administrations and companies. It is promoted jointly by the Foundation for the Development of Water Engineering (FFIA), formed by the Universities of Cordoba, Granada, Polytechnic of Madrid, Polytechnic of Catalonia and Polytechnic of Valencia, and the Spanish Chapter of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR).
Until now there have been three editions: Madrid 2009, at the headquarters of the Centre for Studies and Experimentation of Public Works (CEDEX) an institution that belongs to the Ministry of Public Works and Agriculture, Food and Environment; 2011 in Barcelona, at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia; and 2013 in Valencia, at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
The fourth edition of the JIA will be held in Córdoba next 21 and 22 of October (Córdoba University) and its organization has been assumed by the research groups of this university 'AGR-228, Hydraulic and Irrigation', and 'AGR-127, Agricultural Hydrology and Hydraulics', belonging to the Andalusia Research Plan.
In addition to the four topics that usually guide these conferences, in each one a single theme that defines them is selected. For JIA 2015 it has been chosen the so-called "precipitation and erosion". The goal is to advance and expose the very last knowlegde towards the study of the rain, their modeling and characterization, and to the analysis of the erosion caused by precipitation.