Next June will take place two events of special relevance for those interested in algae and monitoring at the Science Museum of Trento:
The International Congress 9th Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers and comparable habitats (UAMRIch) (June 15.-17. 2015)
The International Symposia “Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers” date back to 1991, and, since then, offer an opportunity to review and discuss benthic-algae-based monitoring approaches in the different countries, as well as improvements to approaches, methodologies, and techniques. The main aim of these Symposia has been the standardization of methods, the improvement of legislation and directives, and the discussion of novel approaches.
The Trento UAMRIch meeting will keep a clear focus on rivers and streams. Contributions dealing with other habitats (lake littoral, springs, wetlands, etc.) will need to show that the topic they discuss allows comparison or is relevant for algae-based stream monitoring as well.
The International Workshop on Benthic Algae Taxonomy (InBAT) (June 17.-19. 2015)
The International Workshop on the taxonomy of freshwater benthic algae will be primarily targeted at applied ecologists and practitioners using algae and cyanobacteria for environmental assessment. However, it will also be of interest to environmental managers, practically-oriented taxonomists, university teachers and students.
The general topic of the Workshop will be the “Taxonomic and ecological characterization of species relevant in environmental assessments and monitoring”.
The four sessions of the InBAT will be chaired by experts of the taxonomic groups, and will include one or more keynote talks along with contributed talks and posters and practical work at the microscope.